The Bible reveals a set of blessings known as the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts bestowed by the Holy Spirit upon faithful followers of Christ, serve as a powerful force for advancing the mission of the Church and bringing about positive change in the lives of believers. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the biblical references and meanings behind these divine gifts, shedding light on their significance and how you can receive the 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Who Is The Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God, he is one of the three persons of the Holy Trinity, alongside God the Father and God the Son (Jesus Christ). The Holy Trinity is the central doctrine of Christian faith, emphasizing the belief in one God in three distinct persons.
Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit
When Jesus spent time with his disciples he performed many miracles and taught them a lot about the kingdom of heaven. Before Jesus prepares for his final departure, he reassures his disciples that the Holy Spirit will come and help teach and remind them of all that Jesus said and taught.
John 14:15-17 “If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.”
John 14:26 “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”
The Role and Attributes of The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity who is fully God (the Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit). The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God and lives in the lives of born-again believers. Some of the roles and attributes attributed to the Holy Spirit include:
- Comforter and Counselor: The Holy Spirit is often described as the Comforter or Counselor who comes alongside believers to guide, comfort, and empower them.
- Teacher: The Holy Spirit also teaches and reminds believers of God’s truth and wisdom.
- Convicter of Sin: The Holy Spirit will convict individuals of sin, their need for salvation, and righteousness.
- Empowerment: The Holy Spirit will empower believers with spiritual gifts, enabling them to serve God and others.
- Indwelling: The Holy Spirit dwells within the hearts and lives of believers, helping them grow in faith and live according to God’s will.
Understanding the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
What Are The 9 Gifts Of The Holy Spirit?
The 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit, as mentioned in the Bible, are a set of supernatural abilities granted by the Holy Spirit to believers. They are mentioned in the New Testament, in the writings of the Apostle Paul.
The 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit are:
- 1) Word of Knowledge: This gift provides knowledge and insight into divine truths, often revealing hidden or unknown information by the Holy Spirit.
- 2) Word of Wisdom: The Word of Wisdom gift grants understanding and the ability to apply knowledge in practical and meaningful ways, especially in decision-making.
- 3) Gift of Prophecy: Those with this gift can declare messages from God, which can include foretelling future events and forth telling God’s truth for edification and comfort.
- 4) Gift of Faith: This gift imparts an extraordinary trust in God and the courage to believe in His promises even in the face of adversity.
- 5) Gifts of Healing: Believers with this gift have a special anointing for healing the sick and manifesting God’s healing power.
- 6) Miracles: The gift of miracles involves the ability to perform supernatural signs and wonders that confirm the credibility of God’s Word.
- 7) Discerning of Spirits: Those with this gift can recognize the presence of spirits, whether they are divine, demonic, or human, aiding in spiritual discernment.
- 8) Speaking in Tongues: This gift allows believers to communicate in foreign languages not naturally known to them, often for prayer and worship.
- 9) Interpretation of Tongues: The interpretation of tongues is the ability to translate and make sense of messages spoken in tongues, ensuring the congregation can understand.
Here is what David Diga Hernandez explains about the 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit in detail.
What Is The Purpose of The 9 Gifts Of The Holy Spirit?
These 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit are not mere talents or skills; they are divine abilities that empower faithful Christians to fulfill their calling. As 2 Peter 1:3 reminds us, “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness.” The 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit are an integral part of this divine provision, equipping believers to accomplish God’s plans for their lives.
The Apostle Paul, in Romans 12:6, instructs us to use these gifts in proportion to our faith. Each believer receives these gifts uniquely, and it is our responsibility to utilize them according to the grace we have been given.
The 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit are to serve others and to glorify God. The gifts are also to edify, exhort, and comfort the Church (Body of Christ/the believers of Christ), which is important especially as believers need support especially when faced with spiritual warfare that can be overwhelming.
The Fruits of the Spirit
While the 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit are essential, they are not the only manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s work in a believer’s life. The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Galatians, speaks of the “fruits of the Spirit,” which are divine qualities that should be evident in the life of every Christian.
These fruits include:
- Love
- Joy
- Peace
- Patience
- Forbearance
- Kindness
- Goodness
- Faithfulness
- Gentleness
- Self Control
The fruits of the Spirit are evident in a life filled with the Holy Spirit, these fruits are cultivated through the character of a believer as the Holy Spirit works in their life.
The Divine Nature and Sanctification
The 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Fruits of the Spirit go hand in hand. They both stem from the divine nature of the Holy Spirit and play a crucial role in the process of sanctification, which is the ongoing transformation of a believer into the likeness of Christ.
To be ‘sanctified’ is to be set apart, so you are separate from those who aren’t convicted of sin and choose to live a compromised life. This can be a lonely phase as a believer, however, it’s crucial for your spiritual advancement. Eventually, you find that the loneliness will fade as you understand that God is actually with you in these moments of solitude. As you grow deeper in your faith and sanctification, you will eventually meet other believers in Christ who will sharpen your gifts and keep your fire alive.
The Holy Spirit empowers believers with spiritual gifts and produces the fruits of the Spirit in their lives. This sanctifying work is a lifelong journey, marked by the gradual development of Christ-like character and the exercise of spiritual gifts for the benefit of the Church and the fulfillment of the Great Commission and saving souls.

How To Receive The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Step 1: Believe In Jesus
To receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit you must first believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The apostle Paul tells us, “To each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good” (1 Corinthians 12:7). Therefore, receiving the Holy Spirit is a foundational step.
According to Acts 1:8, Jesus promised, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” This power refers to the power that comes from the diverse gifts of the Spirit.
Step 2: Repent Of Your Sins
In Acts 8, Peter rebuked Simon who wanted to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit as he was involved in the Occult. Peter commanded him to repent. The power that comes from the Holy Spirit is to be used for the advancing of God’s Kingdom. The occult seeks to use power for selfish desires and the advancement of the kingdom of darkness. If you have ever been involved in the occult (Ouija boards, fortune tellers, palm reading, horoscopes, ESP, transcendental mediation, hypnotism, yoga, reiki, tarot cards, or other such practices). You must renounce and stop practicing them.
You don’t need to be perfect, but you must repent and be willing to follow the path of righteousness. To repent isn’t just saying ‘God I’m sorry’ it’s actually making a change and turning away from the sin you are repenting of.
Step 3: Pray For The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
A simple prayer you can say is:
‘Heavenly Father I come before you and acknowledge Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. I believe he died and rose again to wash me clean of my sins and give me eternal life. I repent and renounce all my sins known and unknown and any such involvement with the occult. Lord Jesus, I ask that you would baptize me with the fire of the Holy Spirit and teach me to walk in the way of righteousness. By faith I receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.’
Now by faith, you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. You may not have a big dramatic encounter or experience and that’s very normal. It is by faith that you receive. Your next step would be to exercise your new prayer language of speaking in tongues. This also can either happen straight away or may take some practice. Speaking in tongues produces a lot of power and strengthens you up in the spirit.
Here is a video by David Diga Hernandez on speaking in tongues.
Step 4: Cultivate Your Relationship With God.
Once you’ve received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, your next move is to develop a personal and intimate relationship with God by:
- Reading scripture (spending time alone to read your bible/word of God)
- Studying scripture (understanding the meaning behind the scripture)
- Meditating on scripture (filling your mind with the scripture)
Peter highlights in 2 Peter 1:2-3 that we grow in God’s power through knowledge of Him. It is through knowing God deeply that we access His divine power, which empowers us in all aspects of life.
Ephesians 1:16-19 emphasizes that an intimate relationship with God leads to the revelation of His power. As we know God more intimately, our eyes are opened to the hope of His calling, the riches of His glory, and the exceeding greatness of His power.
The intensity of our desire significantly impacts the manifestation of these gifts in our lives.
– Kingdom Lifestyle
Nurturing an intimate connection with God is the key to tapping into His power. The easiest way to start is to spend time alone reading your bible.

Step 5: Hunger For The Gifts And Walk In Love
This step extends from the previous one, focusing on your ability to access God’s power. The apostle Paul admonishes us to earnestly desire the spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:31, 14:1 & 39). The intensity of our desire significantly impacts the manifestation of these gifts in our lives.
Furthermore, Paul emphasizes the importance of walking in love. In 1 Corinthians 13, he highlights that without love, our pursuit of spiritual gifts is in vain. Love, the “more excellent way,” is the backdrop against which these gifts should operate. It’s not just about desiring gifts; it’s about desiring them in the context of love and glorifying God. Having a clean heart and pure motive.
To begin walking in love and earnestly desiring the gifts, spend quality time with God through prayer, fasting, and the study of His Word. Knowing God personally opens the door to the supernatural realm and equips you to love and serve others effectively.
Step 6: Take Action In Faith
The final and pivotal step in this transformative process is taking action in faith. The 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit are tools meant for service and the advancement of God’s Kingdom. Neglecting to use your gifts would be like having a car but never driving it, or a mechanic who never used his tools.
As Jesus illustrated in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), we must multiply what we’ve been given. Being good stewards involves taking action with the gifts God has entrusted to us, allowing others to benefit from His power working through us.
One practical way to take action is by stepping out into various environments, from churches to stores and workplaces, engaging with people, and offering prayers. For instance, you can inquire about and pray for people’s physical ailments, witnessing the power of God firsthand.
Remember, the 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit are available to every believer, and their activation requires intimacy with God and a willingness to take risks in faith. As you implement these steps, you’ll discover that God’s power flows through you, transforming lives and advancing His Kingdom.
In summary, the 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit are a powerful arsenal of divine abilities bestowed upon believers by the Holy Spirit. They work hand in hand with the Fruits of the Spirit to facilitate the process of sanctification, making us more like Christ. As we exercise these gifts and cultivate the fruits, we become more effective instruments in God’s hands, fulfilling His purposes on earth and spreading the message of salvation to all nations, as instructed in the Great Commission.