In the journey of faith, discernment is a beacon guiding our path. It’s the ability to distinguish between what is of God and what is not, to separate truth from deception, and to make choices rooted in God’s wisdom. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of discernment in our spiritual walk, the relationship between the soul and spirit, and practical steps to enhance this vital attribute.
Understanding Discernment
The gift of ‘discerning of spirits’ is the gift mentioned in the Bible which is the ability to discern between good and evil. Discernment is a cornerstone of our Christian walk. It empowers us to live in peace and understanding, guiding us through life’s twists and turns. The more we immerse ourselves in the Bible, the more we become attuned to behaviors to watch out for, and the stronger our spirit becomes. Discernment involves recognizing the moral implications of our choices and differentiating between right and wrong, all with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The Role of Discernment
Discernment plays a vital role in Christianity. It helps believers navigate through the challenges and temptations of life by aligning their choices with God’s will, leading them to God’s best for their lives. The discerning of spirits and recognizing truth is a key aspect of Biblical discernment. It’s not merely about recognizing right and wrong but also about upholding the absolute truth found in God’s Word.
What Affects Our Discernment?
As physical human beings, we are made up of the Spirit, Soul, and Body. When we are faced with any situation in life we tend to make decisions from either the spirit, the soul, or the body. For most, it is either the Soul or the Spirit that influences our responses and decisions in life. Why does this matter you may ask? Well, this affects how we accurately discern a situation or a person.
John Paul Jackson explains the difference between the soul and the spirit in this video
Soul vs Spirit
In the realms of soul and spirit, we find an internal struggle. The soul encompasses our mind, will, and emotions, which make up our personality. However, the soul should be led by the Holy Spirit in order to build a strong character. Character is the embodiment of spiritual principles and foundations, preparing us for the destiny assignments that God has in store. A strong character is the mark of a person with a strong sense of authority.
On the other hand, a strong personality is someone primarily led by their soul and emotions, which can be unstable. The soul craves stimulation and attention. When the soul doesn’t get what it wants or gets hurt it tends to become bitter or withdrawn. This is what taints the lens through which we discern.
What Happens When The Soul Is In Control.
If the soul were to discern a situation, it could lead to suspicion, judgment, and critical opinions, influenced by unhealed wounds from the past or the conditioning of others’ opinions. Remember your soul is comprised of the mind, will, and emotions. The soul is how Satan comes to influence you, so he can control the way you think and feel.
Why The Spirit is Better at Leading?
The spirit is your connection and communion with God, this is where the Holy Spirit is in control and leads the way. The Bible speaks about the Holy Spirit as a comforter, counselor, and teacher who equips and empowers a believer. In order to access the fullness of the Holy Spirit we have to surrender to God’s word and this calls for your mind, will, and emotions (your soul) to surrender too.
Discernment as a Journey of Healing
Unhealed wounds from past experiences can cause us to operate from our soul, making us prone to error. This leads to discerning from a place of fear, hurt, and emotional ambition, resulting in instability. To truly discern spiritual matters, we must quiet ourselves, seeking knowledge through the word of God rather than relying solely on emotions.
Fellowship with the Holy Spirit
Developing discernment is deeply intertwined with our relationship with the Holy Spirit. The more we fellowship with the Holy Spirit, the more accurate our discernment becomes. When we approach discernment from a place of love, rather than judgment based on past experiences, we gain the ability to understand what we see and hear in the spirit clearly.
Understanding the nature and character of the Holy Spirit becomes the reference point for discernment, similar to recognizing a real banknote from a counterfeit. We must also discern the motivating spirit behind the behavior we’re evaluating or the spiritual atmosphere we find ourselves in.
Discernment: Knowing, Not Just Feeling
Discernment is about knowing, not merely feeling. It’s not about searching for things to judge or point out. It requires a quiet heart and a spirit that’s in tune with the Holy Spirit to see and discern clearly.
Prayer, Discipline, and Healing
A strong prayer life (especially in tongues) is essential for developing discernment. It helps us hear the Holy Spirit’s guidance more quickly and equips us to handle what we receive in the spirit. For those new to this journey, it’s often wise to stay quiet, spend time in prayer, and read the Bible until you can hear from the Holy Spirit. Prayer and fasting are also great strategies to help draw closer to the Lord, and the easier we can understand and detect the voice of the Lord the better we get at discerning.
Discernment, like any skill, requires correction and fine-tuning. It takes discipline and submission to mature, wise, and spiritually healthy leadership to develop your spiritual senses.
Roberts Liardon – Sharpen Your Discernment is a powerful book that goes deep into the areas that affect our discernment, we highly recommend this book as it is one of our favorites at Kingdom Lifestyle.

Counterfeits: The Diversion from God’s Best
In our spiritual journey, counterfeits are the sly and subtle deceptions that aim to lead us away from God’s best. They often appear as shortcuts from God’s intended path, promising an enticing “offer” that lures us off course. However, the interesting thing about counterfeits is that they often signal that the real thing, God’s best, is just around the corner. Satan is known to employ counterfeits as a ploy, presenting them before God’s ultimate blessings.
Generational Curses and Traumas: The Manifestation of Counterfeits
Counterfeits are frequently intertwined with generational curses or traumas that have manifested over time. They thrive on the vulnerabilities within us, exploiting areas of weakness that they use to gain access to our lives. It’s important to recognize these weaknesses in your life. Then take scriptures that speak God’s promises over these areas, and work on these areas declaring God’s word over them. It’s essential to be aware of these lurking counterfeits and discern their presence in our lives.
The Story of Ishmael: An Example of a Counterfeit
In the Bible, the story of Ishmael serves as a perfect example of a counterfeit. When Sarah and Abraham took matters into their own hands, they tried to fulfill God’s promise through a surrogate, Hagar. Ishmael, born of this plan, represented a counterfeit, an attempt to achieve God’s best through human means. The real promise, Isaac, came in God’s timing.
Practical Tips to Discern and Overcome Counterfeits
Here are some practical tips to discern and overcome counterfeits in your life:
1. Claim God’s Promises: Take scriptures that pertain to God’s promises in the areas of your weaknesses. God’s Word is a powerful tool in combating counterfeits.
2. Emotional Intelligence Training: Understanding your emotional triggers is crucial. These triggers often create emotional responses that can lead you astray. By claiming God’s word over yourself you develop more self-control and will be less likely to react impulsively out of emotion.
3. Prayer and Spiritual Covering: Seek God’s protection and guidance through his word in areas where you’ve identified vulnerabilities. Praying in tongues is a powerful tool for becoming more spiritually sensitive and overcoming counterfeits.
4. Identify the Doorways: It’s essential to identify the doorways through which counterfeits gain entry into your life. Recognizing these entry points allows you to guard against them effectively by being active when applying God’s word in your life.
For example, if you don’t have a father figure in your life or if your father is abusive in any way. Search for scriptures that speak of God’s love as a father and scriptures for rejection and memorize these scriptures, declaring them morning, day, and night. Here are two scriptures as examples:
Psalm 68:5 – A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.
2 Corinthians 6:18 – And, I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.
Then withdraw all judgments against your earthly father and forgive him for any wrongs he may have done. Unforgiveness and judgments are open doors for demons to attack so make sure you choose to forgive, withdraw judgments, and bless them. You can do this in your own space without confronting your earthly father.
It would be ideal to join a group of believers whom you can fellowship with so you can get strong in the word of God. Here are some online suggestions are:
- The Core Group is a mentorship group that provides a depth of teaching on healing, deliverance, and growing strong in the Lord. With separate groups for women, men, teens, kids, singles, and marriages. A great place to get empowered. Click the link to check it out – The Core Group
- JCH is an online mentorship group that holds a free monthly 5-day Salvation Challenge’ and a free monthly 3-day ‘Build a New Comfort Zone Challenge’. The teaching takes you into the Courts Of Heaven to get answered prayer for yourself and your unsaved loved ones. They have paid programs and training available too. Click the link to check it out – JCH
Unmasking the Deceptive
Counterfeits are cunning adversaries in our spiritual journey. They divert us from God’s best and often manifest in our areas of weakness. By learning to discern them and seeking God’s guidance, we can unmask these deceptions and walk in the light of God’s true blessings. The story of Ishmael reminds us that God’s best is worth waiting for, and counterfeits only serve to lead us astray. With prayer, understanding, and a firm reliance on God’s promises, we can conquer the deceptions and embrace His best for our lives.
Curt Landry Ministries provides a free goal-setting pdf to help fine-tune your focus and aim for God’s best. Click the link to check out Curt Landry Ministries
Curt Landry speaks more in detail regarding this area of counterfeits and discernment.
In the grand tapestry of our spiritual journey, discernment is the thread that connects us to God’s will. It helps us distinguish the authentic from the counterfeit, guides our choices, and reveals God’s path for us. By nurturing discernment, we become better equipped to navigate the intricate terrain of our faith, with the Holy Spirit as our compass. As we heal, grow, and deepen our relationship with God, our discernment becomes a powerful tool that leads us toward the true purposes He has set before us.